Northern Doom!

Monday, July 24, 2006

400-odd dollars worth of Doom!

Ok you furry fruitcakes, all of you who wanted engines, I got 'em and then some!
Time to cough up.


Sunday, July 23, 2006


We're hoping to get some BBQ action happening on the day - we have a ute organised for, anyone have a spare barbie?

BYO snags and beer...


Saturday, July 22, 2006


Ok - I've priced a bulk order of C6-X engines (probably C6-7 or C6-3)
They will be available for $7 each

Check the Estes site for details on these engines.
Time to get out and hit the opshops and sexshops for suitable vehicles.
See you at the workshop for Doom 101.


Monday, July 17, 2006

More Links


Added more links for your viewing and listening pleasure:

666 flickr pics

666 Podcast

Thanks to Ian Woolf, whose website is here


Sunday, July 16, 2006

The Doom Device

One of our resident evil overlords has come up with the following:

"Attached is a screen grab of the "Du Pont Blasting Machine No. 30"... As you can see, max output is around 9.5V over 50mS with a solid push… I think she'll be perfect!"


"Check this out - Added negative transient clamping diode - output now massive!"


Love your work Hanno!

T minus three weeks

That's right punters - three weeks till liftoff!
If I wasn't so hungover I'd be excited.

We have decided to have the workshop one week out from launch.

So that means the workshop is happening on the 30th of July!
You should probably have your ideas finalised and most of your materials together by then.

It'll likely be at Dave's place in Rapid Creek.

We probably wont be doing any actual launching on this day - just vetting designs and giving help to anyone who needs it.

If you'd rather save your doom for the day itself, that works too.
(We're not having tested/untested categories this year)

The workshop is not compulsory - just a good idea if you're unsure about little details like keeping the cars on the track and not in the air...keeping the wheels on...just small details like that.


Thursday, July 13, 2006

Construction Workshop

For those of you who will be racing and think you might need a hand with some evil construction tekneeqs - we will hopefully be holding a workshop a couple of weeks before launch date.

For now - a tip: Get hold of as many cigar tubes as you can!


Frequently Asked Questions


If you have any questions you would like answered, please enter them as comments to this post. (Click here)

Cars must have 3 wheels or more, that touch the ground a lot, especially while racing.

To win cars must finish the right way up, like when they started. (Writing "This way up" on all sides is funny, but won't win races).

The race is for distance, with ONLY the first run of the day per car being eligible, however style and geekiness are also important.

There will be no Tested vs Untested division in RCD NT 01, so contact Dave and give your dream machine a run in the park to tweak it before the big day if victory is more important to you than mockery.

We are using C6 rockets (Dave has bought a bulk lot so we can save dollars) cars using D size rockets will be sneered at unless they are really impressive.

Multi rocket cars, or hybrid drives will be in a class of their own and will always win their own sad little race against no-one.

Cars considered dangerous will not be allowed on the main field, we will try to offer an alternative death zone if need be.

This includes:
Anything with knives or other sharp metal things sticking out of them.
Integrating an aerosol can, glass or live firework.
Cars that are obviously going to go up or sideways.
Vehicles very likely to disintegrate on launch

We want this to be safe and fair, Jackass type shit is very 90's and will be frowned on.


Just in case you missed it - the inaugural NT Rocketcar Day will be held on the 6th of August, 2006 (Sunday).

It'll be a 11am start, hopefully with a BBQ or a relocation to a pub somewhere afterwards.


Sunday, July 09, 2006

Rocket Contact Details

We have an email address:

Drop us a line to register your interest - we'll mail you with updates as we get our shit together.

In the meantime - do some background research via the handy links to the right of your screen.

Stuff that's coming up:

- Finalising the super-secret launch site location
- Bulk purchase of rocket engines (cheap cheap!)
- Workshop featuring construction tips and trial runs

Let the geeky goodness spring forth